Friday, September 12, 2008


I watched that interview last night. Palin is laughable. I’d like McCain and the Republican pundits to take a lie detector test and say yes or no whether they think she is ready to be president. No way they would pass.

She defended the “Alaska is close to Russia so Palin knows foreign policy” argument by saying that they are neighbors and that you can see Russia from Alaska’s land. Oh...good.

She also basically said that if Georgia joined NATO, we would have to go to war with Russia if they attacked again. She is seriously George Bush in a dress- both in intelligence, speaking style (Nuc-you-ler), and policies. I can’t wait for the longer interview tonight. That's good watchin'!

This excellent point is from

A reader writes:

After watching that interview, can anyone honestly say that they think that Sarah Palin, the person who would take over the country in the event something happens to McCain, has more knowledge of policy than Charlie Gibson, the person giving the interview?
And isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
...Okay, isn't it at least supposed to be close??

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