Monday, September 29, 2008

Thank God for McCain

John McCain was wrong and Barrack Obama is right. I should try and get Biden to repeat this 100 more times...oh wait.

Today's financial meltdown is the mortal wound. The Palin/McCain camp should really consider dropping out and saving some money. In addition to the VP debates on Thursday, today's 700 drop in the DOW HAS to be the proverbial straw. John McCain didn't 'phone in' his vote last week. Actually, he did quite the opposite and rushed to DC to fix everything. Most importantly, he was to go to Washington and unite the GOP. Well, that didn't work. In today's vote, here is how it broke down:

Yes No
Democrats 140 95
Republicans 65 133
Total 205 228

Oops. Was it juts me or wasn't McCain supposed to deliver the House Republicans? How can he lead the nation when his own party won't listen to him?

I could write Obama's ad for tomorrow using these clips:

"This bill would not have been agreed to had it not been for John McCain... This is a bipartisan accomplishment, a bipartisan success. And if people want to get something done in Washington, they just watch John McCain. He's been the guy whose name is at the top of major pieces of legislation for a long time."
-- Mitt Romney, NBC's Today show, 9/29/08

"What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all of the parties to the table, including the House Republicans, whose votes were needed to pass this"
-- Steve Schmidt, NBC's Meet the Press, 9/28/08

"We're optimistic that Senator McCain will bring House Republicans on board without driving other parties away, resulting in a successful deal for the American taxpayer."
-- McCain spokeswoman Kimmie Lipscomb, 9/26/08

McCain...out of touch...too damn old to lead. I am Barrack Obama and I approved this message.

To quote David Letterman "Something stinks in this campaign. Something just doesn't smell right."

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