Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lies and the Lying Liars

WARNING: This post is going to be slightly longer than I think a typical blog should be, but I couldn’t sleep last night and I need to get this off my chest. I know that I should be focusing my rage on John McCain and how to make sure that he is not going to be the next President but quite frankly, I am more worried about the right-wing extremist Sarah Palin. As Alec Baldwin so eloquently wrote at The Huffington Post, McCain isn’t Bush, Palin is.

Not only does Sarah Palin lack any foreign policy, economic, and legislative experience, she also lacks the ability to tell the truth. She has been off-limits to the press for almost 2 full weeks because the McCain people are worried about a gaff. I think this plan has started to back fire. Because she has not been subjected to being interviewed, all the press has been able to do is research and if you are a ‘typical’ republican politician, the last thing that you want to happen is have your past researched. More and more trash continues to pour out of her sorted political history.

As highlight to her complete lack of experience and knowledge in economic issues, Sarah had spewed this gaff just yesterday:

Unfortunately for these straight talking mavericks, the government has only been running Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae since about 8:00 eastern on Monday. So tax money hasn’t been used until yesterday. These two companies were run as if they were autonomous businesses and received profits in good times, but they also enjoyed federal protection in bad times. I understand that this is a small mistake but two things strike me as interesting. #1 – She is reading this speech which means that is was PREPARED and #2 – I understand Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and I am an idiot. I don’t want someone only as smart as me helping make financial decisions in a time that can/should be compared to the great depression.

I am absolutely sick of hearing how McCain and Palin are reformers and Mavericks and running for change. Disagreeing with someone 10% of the time is not dissention nor does that separate you from your party. To run on a reform ticket and anti-pork barrel spending, you better not have hired a lobbyist that helped your town of 10,000 earn over 27 million dollars in earmarks. That is the definition of pork barrel spending! Although, since both GOP candidates are so familiar with how to get earmarks, they would both understand how to spot an earmarked bill. I wonder if John McCain would veto Palin’s 27 million earmarked bill? Even FauxNews gets it:

There are so many lies, half truths, and delusional speeches that it is hard to pick my favorite, I do happen to enjoy the “She sold it on eBay” bit. However, Palin only stated that she ‘put’ it on eBay. She had to do this more than once and it never sold. That is a minor lie I guess, but it is the pattern that makes me the most fearful. McCain on the other hand, knows the truth (unless he didn’t properly vet Palin) and he still lies. I stand by my statement that he will do and say anything to win:

The more I see the more disgusted I get. I can’t even imagine another four years of this economic strife, unemployment, and energy crisis. Something has to give. I am glad that McCain, if elected, will tell the lobbyists “a change is coming.” The only problem that I see is he is literally SURROUNDED by lobbyists. At one time he had nearly 60 lobbyists that were feeding him information (including the lobbyist from Georgia). Most of these lobbyists have clients that a vested interest in securing that alternative energy is not part of McCain’s energy policy. Sure, he states in his speech that alternative energy is necessary, but he has included exactly ZERO dollars in his plan. This is a plan that is published on his website. He talks about clean coal but he isn’t going to help us get it.

I love Obama. I must admit that I voted for Hillary and even donated to her campaign but I am convert. I am inspired by this man but I want Obama to stand up and stop allowing the GOP to slam him. He needs to start shitting on McCain unapologetically and without refrain. Run ads that show how McCain has flipped. Hell, I can find them on YouTube. Start showing how Palin was for it and then against it. I know you are saying these things in your speeches but damn it start running some GD ads. The mainstream media is not doing what they should be doing. They need to be challenging McCain at every turn and they are not. They are more interested in applause lines like the dog wearing lipstick BS.

The GOP won’t hesitate to step on your throat and Obama shouldn’t hesitate to step on theirs. Democrats have been on defense since Palin’s speech. ENOUGH! Start kicking Palin and McCain in the balls. This has to end and it has to end now. This country can not afford another four years of W.

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