Monday, September 8, 2008


I know it doesn’t matter that much at this stage, but it still makes me physically ill that McCain could have received a bump out of the convention and that he could actually be leading in some polls. Our country is ridiculous sometimes. I can’t wait till the debates though- then people will see how ridiculous their policies are and that half of the things they said in the conventions were lies.

I loved all of the comments by people who watched another Palin speech at a campaign stop yesterday. NPR asked a couple of them what they liked about her- "I like that she's a mother of 5..." "I just love that "pitbull with lipstick" line!"

I guess Palin appeals to the sitcom crowd out there, she gives them one stupid joke with a laugh track and they will love her forever! YOU IDIOTS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HER!!!!!!!! Not one of them said "I like her stand on ___________" Ya know why? Because they don't know her stand on __________ because she hasn't given her stand on __________.

All I have to say is ______________________!!!! (You can fill in your own words for that one.)

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