Wednesday, September 10, 2008


In Nate’s game yesterday they played against a team with a couple kids that were really good. So for almost the whole game Nate’s team didn’t score at all. It was probably 7-0 (although they don’t keep score.) As comparison, his team normally scores at least 6 goals.

A side note- when I was explaining to Nate about scoring goals in the games, his first question was “Will they hold me up on their shoulder if I score one?” I guess he saw that in a movie or TV show. He asked me about that a bunch before his first game two weeks ago.
Anyways, so yesterday there was about one minute left in the game and his team had the ball down on the opposing end in a crowd of players. Nate kicked the ball through the little crowd and then followed it like he is supposed to and then kicked it in at the “buzzer.” Everybody cheered extra loud because our team finally scored a goal and Nate’s coach lifted him up on his shoulder to carry him back to the side.

You have never seen a bigger smile on a little kid! He had a Christmas-morning type smile on his face. He was even happier when he saw that the post-game treat was a chocolate donut.


Jason said...

That is stinking cute.

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome Story hoss