Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Will somebody please tell me...

I have been giggling like a school girl since Friday when he announced that his running mate would be a school girl. Don't get me wrong, I am very pro-woman and would love to have a qualified woman in the white house. This is not a qualified woman by any stretch of the imagination. What if they actually win and McCain dies? Our nation would be handed over to Gov. Palin. A person who has had 20 months of governing the least populated state per square mile. Lest we forget her extensive foreign policy experience by keeping the Russians from storming across the Bering Strait. Maybe she is the reason that we haven't had a full scale Russian invasion.

I am not questioning John McCain's patriotism, I am questioning his judgment! Besides the fact that neither McCain nor Palin even know what a VP does.

(the whole thing is interesting by check out 2:53.)

Couple this with: "The only job of the Vice President is to check on the health of the president daily and attend funerals of foreign diplomats". - John McCain

Sucks for the GOP. They are going to lose more seats in the house, senate, and now the white house. Oops. Eight years of skull flucking the American public into submission won't pay at the voting booths.

I know that the 'Rank and File' republicans are fully behind John McCain's choice for VP. I get that. What I don't get is why the republicans are self-deprecating. They are allowing John McCain to champion the fact that he voted against the republican party nearly 10% (whoopee) of the time and both McCain and Palin are constantly talking how they are willing to go against party lines. Does that seem strange to anyone else? "We don't agree with you people and we are willing to not do what the party wants!" From the crowd: "Yea! Woo! You are right, we kind of suck!"

Palin is a reformer, I will give you that too. As a mayor of BF-Alaska, (population just shy of 10,000....which is nearly 1/3 of the employees at the University of Utah BTW) she went to Washington and 'reformed' for earmarks of nearly 27 million dollars or nearly $2700 per resident of her little town. She has also 'reformed' the hell out of programs for unwed mothers and comprehensive sex education. What a reformer!

In all seriousness, McCain's selection for the Vice President does more harm than good for woman of our nation. He is using her and I believe that he is setting her up for failure. McCain's strategy has been clear..."anything to win." He will literally change his stance on anything and everything depending on who is asking him the question and who is in the room. Anything to get a vote. Oh, and by the way, if you question him on anything, remember that he spent 5 years in a POW camp and nothing else matters.

I do not believe that being a POW or having 5 children make you qualified to go to the White House. John McCain has extensive experience as a senator but his judgement must be cloudy or the Palin pick is simply an old desperate man trying to make it into the White House. My concern is that he cares so little for the American people that he would give us a VP candidate that would hurt us as a country.

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